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RSPB – Big Garden Bird Watch

Spend an hour relaxing and watching the birds visiting your garden as part of the RSPB - Big Garden Bird Watch. The data you collect provides a vital health check of the wildlife which visit our gardens.

We have the perfect excuse for you to take an hour to relax with a hot drink and your favourite snack whilst looking at your garden; the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch.  The Big Garden Bird Watch is a chance for everyone to actively help nature by spending just one hour counting the birds and other wildlife in their gardens or local green spaces.  The data gathered from this survey provides a vital health-check of the wildlife that we share our homes with and encourages people to connect with and protect nature in their patch.

All you need to take part is a pen and paper.  Over the course of an hour you need to record the highest number of each bird species which land in your garden at the same time.  Or if you prefer to use a smart phone or tablet there will be an on-line recording tool available the weekend of the bird count.  You should also keep a note of any other wildlife which visits your garden during the hour, such as badgers and squirrels.

Once you have completed your count, please share the data you collect with the RSPB.

Full information about the bird watch can be found on the RSPB website, along with a wealth of information about how to encourage birds into your garden.

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