
Geotourism in Mourne Cooley Gullion

Mourne Cooley Gullion GeotourismGeotourism is a unique product. It celebrates and promotes aspects of the Mourne-Cooley-Gullion region that make it special – its geology and the related fields of archaeology, mythology and heritage. The landscape around us has shaped the way we live and work and in some ways, we have shaped it.

The Mourne-Cooley-Gullion region takes in parts of the counties of Down, Louth and Armagh in Ireland.

The outstanding geological features and the beautiful landscape of the region have attracted so much interest and attention over time and it is natural that we should want to develop tourism in a way that can have a social and economic benefit for the region.


Click here to read more about Mourne Cooley Gullion Geotourism.