
Throughout Glassdrummond Wood there are plenty of places for animals to make their homes. Look out for birds’ nests in the crooks of trees and for small holes where rabbits livc. We have also given nature a helping hand and have put up bird nest boxes, bat boxes and built some insect hotels. how many can you find?

All the suggested activity sheets below come from the Woodland Trust’s Tree Tools for Schools website where you can find hundreds of ideas for exploring your local woodland.

Animal Homes

Can you find all these animal homes?

Animals, birds and minibeasts live in all sorts of different places. Keep your eyes peeled next time you’re in the woods. What will you find?

  • Look out for evidence like poo and fur – this means there’s an animal home nearby!
  • Some creatures live underground and some live in trees, so look carefully
  • Which home would you like to live in?
  • P.S there is an animal home on this activity sheet that you won’t find in Glassdrummond. This is because that animal does not live in Ireland – can you find out which one it is?

Activity Sheet

Minibeasts and Creepy-Crawlies

There’s no better time to head out on a marvellous minibeast hunt!

  • Look for creepy crawlies under logs and stones
  • Spot insects in the air
  • Do they come out in the sunshine or after rain?

Be a real Nature Detective! Next time you go to the woods or play in your garden, try and find these minibeasts. Where do they like to hide? How many did you discover?

Activity Sheet

Flying and Buzzing Insects

Look to the skies and see how many of these winged minibeasts you can see.

  • Some insects buzz, some flutter and some hover – how many of each can you find?
  • Can you spot any insects resting on leaves in the sunshine?

Be careful when hunting minibeasts – they can be delicate, so if you pick one up to get a closer look, be gentle.

Activity Sheet

Make a Hedgehog Home

Hedgehogs need somewhere cosy to snooze through winter. Here at Glassdrummond they have lots of piles of sticks and leaves but is your garden as hedgehog-friendly? Why not make them a hedgehog house or hogitat!

  • All you need is a wooden crate, lots of sticks and fallen leaves
  • Make sure it faces away from northerly and easterly winds
  • Tuck your hogitat into a quiet, sheltered spot where the hedgehog won’t be disturbed

If you spot a hedgehog during winter, leave some food – like dog or cat food – and water nearby.

Never give hedgehogs bread or milk – it can make them very poorly.

Activity Sheet