An excellent coarse angling location which has previously hosted the World Angling Championships. Newry Canal is located on the eastern edge of the Ring of Gullion. Completed in 1850 to increase the ship handling capacity of Newry, the canal has, in the past, been an important navigation route into Newry Port and the canal network with in Ulster. It is still in use today albeit non-commercially. Victoria Sea Lock at the southern end of the canal has recently been restored to its former glory.
Summer algae improves roach and bream catches while large pike are to be caught in winter.
Length: 3.55 miles long
Species: Bream, rudd, pike, perch, eel and trout.
Season: All year.
Method: All lawful methods.
Bag/size limit: None.
Boats: Not permitted.
Licence: Contact Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission on 028 7134 2100 or buy online at
Permit: None required