5th June 2019

Business Support Scheme 2019

This scheme from Foras na Gaeilge supports small and medium-sized commercial enterprises promote Irish in their businesses through signage, packaging, websites and printed marketing material. All criteria and details of the scheme are given in the downloadable form below.

For a taste of other businesses that use Irish as a marketing tool, look at the samples that are on Twitter and YouTube .

The budget for this scheme is limited. Applications will be accepted and assessed until the fund is spent.

Note that as a result of European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Foras na Gaeilge can no longer deal with third parties, and contact will be with applicant only.

For more information and to find out whether your business is entitles to funding under this scheme, contact Dearbhla Ní Dhuinn or Fiachra Ó Coileáin at +353 1 6398464  / +353 1 6398433 nó cuir ríomhphost chuig 

If you would like to apply, read the checklist before hand and the send the following three documents by email to 

  1. Application Form

Read the whole application form carefully, fill-in every part of it and sign the contract on the last page. The application form can be downloaded from the link below:

Application Form STG 2019

  1. Draft copy of the design and the proposed wording

Attach a draft of the design and the proposed wording to the application form as prepared by a professional designer. You may benefit from these free facilities/support services when preparing a draft copy:

  1. Estimates

Include the estimates from the designer/other providers with the application form. You will be entitled to seek up to 50% of the total cost through this scheme.


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