
This classroom and story telling area was once a small quarry. Please take care of the rock walls – NO CLIMBING!!

All the suggested activity sheets below come from the Woodland Trust Nature Website where you can find hundreds of ideas for exploring your local woodland.

Woodland Make Believe

Use your imagination to describe things you find in the woods, and challenge your friends to guess what the objects are.

  • Be as imaginative as you like – look for fairy houses and dragon claws
  • Try not to give too much away when you’re describing the items
  • Make up a story about what you find and write it down when you get home

Did your friends correctly guess what you found?

Activity sheet

Pebble Poems

Choose lots of flat, smooth pebbles and write one word on each to make your poem.

  • Your poem doesn’t have to make sense – nonsense is so much fun!
  • Try creating a poem with your friends – write it together
  • Who can write the silliest poem?

Write a woodland poem or story when you get home.

Activity Sheet

Journey Stick

Keep a record of your adventures: make a super journey stick!

Take some coloured wool or string with you next time you’re off on your travels. Then find a stick and tell the story of your journey.

  • Which colour or object represents a different feeling, sight or smell?
  • If you’ve been on a big adventure, choose a long stick; choose a smaller one for a shorter journey
  • Does your journey have a special theme? Maybe flowers, or leaves?

When you’ve finished weaving your story, write it down and share it with your family and friends. Do they think it represents your journey?

Activity Sheet

Woodland Spells

What are the magic ingredients for an amazing woodland?

  • A dash of dazzling autumn leaves?
  • A handful of giant muddy puddles?
  • A sprinkling of trees to climb?

Collect ideas, smells, sounds and textures. Mix them up, cast a spell, then go on a hunt to find your perfect wood.

Activity Sheet

Song of the Woods

Next time you’re in the woods, stand still and listen for the sounds of the forest.

  • Listen carefully – can you hear insects and animals chirping and snuffling?
  • Try coming back another day, or when it’s raining. Does the wood sound different?
  • Write a poem using the sounds you hear

Woods have a different song during the morning and at night, and in different seasons. Note down what you can hear each time you visit.

Activity Sheet